
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

WooHOO! ..and BACK!

Yup, my brain appears to be functioning again.

This last week I've managed to complete my first programming assignment, most of the final report for my work based learning project (including poster design) and today I completed 1/3 of my first multimedia assignment - if things go according to plan then that one should be completed and submitted by this time tomorrow evening!

I still have 2 HCI assignments to do, stats to gather so that I can finish my WBL report and more content to add to the WBL website - all before Monday.

No sweat, 5 days is plenty of time so long as the CFS/ME stays away. I figure Thursday for HCI1, friday for HCI2, Saturday to collate stats and finalise my report and Sunday to finish website content and poster design.

Then on Monday I get my poster printed and laminated, submit all work and et voila! I'm bang up to date again and looking to get the GOOD grades!

..all I have to do then is buy an outfit suitable for a business presentation, start and complete the 3 assignments I've not even looked at yet because the deadlines aren't until May, revise for exams and FINISH THE YEAR!

..I can't wait!

I sooo deserve a holiday!

Friday, April 03, 2009


I went to the doctors the other day to get a letter for college so that I can get a blanket extension for all my coursework. The previous menieres/ ME/CFS relapse certainly did me no favours regarding deadlines so I need a note medically validating the fact that I'm useless.

..ok, not 'useless' but very much not up to speed.

While there I mentioned the trouble I've been having with my left arm and it turns out I have rotator cuff strain - all I know is it hurts, but then with the me/cfs aches I'm kinda used to that - it was proved beyond a shadow of a doubt during labourwith Isabella that my pain threshold is actually pretty high (despite opinions to the contrary) but I figured I may as well mention it - good job I did, if left it could turn pretty nasty apparently..

Unfortunately she seems to think that I could have post natal depression; I think she just doesn't know enough about the illnesses I already have. Yes I get down, depressed and hopeless. Yes I have feelings of low esteem, tiredness, trouble sleeping, little energy or appetite and have trouble concentrating on things - but show me one person with a chronic fluctuating illness who doesn't experience all of these things on and off!