
Monday, January 21, 2008

pacing and schedules

I've been dealing with dizziness and nausea and intermittent hearing loss/ tinnitus for the last 5 months but relief is at hand! Tomorrow I get poked and prodded by an ENT specialist at Watford general hospital.
Yes, they'll be trying to rule out meniere's disease but either way I'm just hoping they can rid me of the dizzy/sick thing.

Despite regular bouts of fatigue and acheyness plus all of the above I've managed to get consistantly high marks in every module of my course and more impressively on the ME/CFS front - I have an attendance rate of over 94% (i'm so proud! *grin*)

I'm not sure how I'll fare on the new timetable though, before I was in on a mon/wed/friday now I'm in at the crack of dawn on a tuesday for half the day, wednesday afternoon, thursday morning and all day friday.

It may work out better having 2 half days but i've gotten used to my rest days in between classes, guess my pacing schedule is really going to take a beating!

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